IPM….say what??

Sep 7, 2022

As You Start Working and Getting More Involved in the Pest Control Industry, You Will Start Hearing the Term “IPM” Used Often in Conversations Between Professionals. This Term Is a Very Important Part of Any Pest Control Management Process and Offers a Range of Benefits to Any Pest Control Business That Successfully Implements an Ipm Programme.

What is IPM you might ask? Don’t worry we’ve got you! In this month’s blog we explain exactly what the term “IPM” stands for and what advantages an IPM programme offers your business.

What Is IPM?

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a long-standing, science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pest management related strategies. It coordinates the use of pest biology, environmental information, and available technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, while posing the least possible risk to people, pests in all arenas from developed residential and public areas to wild lands. IPM serves as an umbrella to provide an effective, all encompassing, low-risk approach to protect resources and people from pests.

What Are the Advatages of Adopting an IPM Approach?

There are various benefits of adopting an IPM approach – in other words, integrating a range of control methods that include:

1. Better Pest Control:

When effectively applied, IPM programmes have been shown to provide better results and last longer than traditional pest control.

2. A Safer and Healthier Workplace:

Both pest and pesticides pose health risks for building occupants – i.e., pests carry human pathogens and may produce potent human allergens and building occupants may be exposed to pesticides through the air, or direct contact with treated surfaces.

IPM is being recognised by many experts as the best means to control pests effectively, while using the least amount of pesticide necessary. An increasing number of organisations, municipalities and schools are mandating that IPM programmes be implemented in their buildings.

Since IPM results in fewer pests than traditional pest control, it usually results in less pesticide used. However, whether IPM will reduce the amount of pesticide used in a building will in large be determined by what as being done for pest control before an IPM programme was implemented. Most facility managers report substantial reduction in pesticide use with IPM.

3. Optimal Cost:

Changes in cost, like pesticide use reduction, will in large part depend on what previous pest control measures was in place before the IPM programme was implemented. In many cases, IPM programmes result in similar or lower costs than traditional pest control programmes. Some pest control programme costs may rise initially when certain aspects of an IPM programme are put into place (such as structural modifications). Over time however, these costs usually balance out in terms of savings in pest control, or other budgets. Cultural controls and structural modifications applied for pest control purposes ofthen have other benefits such as improved work environments, reduced energy costs, and reduced building maintenance.

4. Better Public and Occupant Relations

IPM is a proactive method of controlling pests, which demonstrates that the pest control company and facility management is environmentally conscientious and is concerned about the health of building occupants.

We hope this blog article inspired you to implement an IPM programme in your business.

Article source: Pest Management Academy – Skill Program NQF Level 4.

For more information on our wide range of pest control products or need assistance on which product will suit your needs, contact us on info@pesafrica.net or visit our website at https://www.pesafrica.net